WFU’s Kaltura has the ability to auto-caption videos if the language spoken in the video is one of the following:
Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Russian or Spanish.

Captions are done in English by default.
(So if you upload a video in which the language spoken is other than English, the captions will be a non-sensical combination of words, in English.)

In this video, you’ll see how to add auto-generated captions that are in your video’s language, remove the English captions, and edit the captions if needed. (For more details on editing captions, see the ITG Blog post: Kaltura: Closed Captioning Editor).

The steps shown in the video are also listed beneath it…

How to add captions that match the language spoken in your video:

  • Return to your uploaded video:
    • If it is in a Canvas “Kaltura Media Gallery” you can access it there in your Canvas course
    • Log in at WFU’s Kaltura MediaSpace (at the top right of the page, if you don’t see your name, click “Guest” to log in) > click your name at the top right > in the dropdown menu, choose My Media
  • Find your video you want to caption in another language > click on the video
  • Click Actions (under the video to the right)
  • In the drop-down menu, choose Caption & Enrich
  • In the Order Captions & Enrichment Services section of the page, click the drop-down for Source Media Language. Select the language that matches the language spoken in your video.
  • Leave the other dropdown options as is (Service=Machine,  Feature=Captions).
  • Click the Submit button.
    The captions should be generated within 30 minutes.
    When they are ready, you and your audience will see them as an option when you click the CC button on your video.

NOTE: English captions will still be the default on your video.
So the next step is to go into the settings and either hide or delete the English captions:

To HIDE or DELETE the English captions…

  • Return to your uploaded video:
    • If it is in a Canvas “Kaltura Media Gallery” you can access it there in your Canvas course
    • Log in at WFU’s Kaltura MediaSpace (at the top right of the page, if you don’t see your name, click “Guest” to log in) > click your name at the top right > in the dropdown menu, choose My Media
  • Find your video  > click on the video
  • Click Actions (under the video to the right) then choose Edit
  • Under the video, choose the Captions tab

…then HIDE them:

  • Next to the English track, click the last icon “Don’t Show on Player.”
    A tiny line will appear across the icon to show that those captions are now hidden.
    Refresh your browser page and then click the CC button on your video.
    You and your audience will no longer see English as a CC option.


…DELETE them:

  • Next to the English track, click the X icon, then confirm you want to delete it.
    Refresh your browser page and then click the CC button on your video.
    You and your audience will no longer see English as a CC option.



To EDIT your new captions (you can correct any errors,  edit the capitalization or punctuation…)

Categories: Accessibility, Kaltura, Video
