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Google Groups LogoGoogle Groups allow you to email a group of individuals using a single email address. IS has created and manages Google Groups for every Banner-created class. The membership of these groups comes from the Banner information provided by the Registrar’s office and maintained by them with daily updates to ensure all information is correct.

The format for these Google Groups is: Department – Class# – Class section – Semester – Year

Examples – POL-113-d-fa-2022, SOC-151-a-sp-2022 or ECN-150-b-s1-2022

Possible uses of the Class Google Groups:

  • Professors emailing their students
  • Students emailing their fellow students
  • Finding individual email addresses for students in your class (from the Google Groups interface)
  • Allowing Administrative Assistants to email a class on behalf of the professor or department
  • Creating a shared Google Drive folder or Google Document for the group

You can access all of the features and functions of your Google Groups by clicking the Groups icon in the Google Apps Launcher in the WFU Gmail interface. Professors can also request their own Google Groups for committees or other working groups they manage through an IS Service Desk ticket request.

If you have more questions about how Google Groups can work for you, please contact your Instructional Technology Group member or your local IS support.

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