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Create Desktop Shortcuts to Recurring Zoom Meetings

Do you have one or more recurring Zoom meetings, like a department meeting, club meeting, online class meeting, or others that always meet in the same Zoom room? Instead of having to search for the email announcing the meeting or opening your calendar to find […]

Kaltura Capture

If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how powerful a video tutorial can be. Kaltura Capture provides an easy way to create a screen capture tutorial (recording whatever is on your screen as you narrate). You can also choose to include your video […]

Using Zoom Reports for Class Attendance

Zoom Reports allows you to determine who was on a Zoom session after the fact. If you ensure your students use their real names by turning on the meeting setting Require authentication to join , you can dispense with taking roll and use the Zoom […]

PowerPoint Slides as a Virtual Background

Zoom now allows us to choose a special virtual background when sharing our screen. This new feature allows the instructor more control over their video and what the students are seeing. It also simplifies the sharing process for PowerPoint by directly sharing slides as a […]

Hypothesis in Canvas

Hypothesis allows you and your students to have a shared conversation on a website or PDF, using annotations. Thanks to the Canvas-Hypothesis integration at Wake, you and your students do not have to create a Hypothesis account when using it inside of a Canvas course. […]

Keyboard Shortcuts for Zoom

Zoom has become part of the regular work day for many of us. “There are lots of cool things that Zoom can do, but they aren’t always obvious. Controlling them may not be so easy during meetings, where we’re trying to look at the screen […]

Recording yourself with a laptop

Your WFU issued laptop has the tools to let you make a basic, talking-head style video. Once you have those videos made, you can distribute them via the cloud or maybe email (think Google Drive or MS OneDrive for sharing in the cloud). You can […]
