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Zoom Reports allows you to determine who was on a Zoom session after the fact. If you ensure your students use their real names by turning on the meeting setting Require authentication to join , you can dispense with taking roll and use the Zoom report. Zoom Usage reports are available once the Zoom session ends and remain available for 30 days. To run a Zoom usage report: 

Zoom Account Screen
  • Click on Usage
  • Choose the date range that includes the class you want
  • Click on the Participants Number of the class you want (you might have to scroll over to see the participants column depending on your screen size)
Participants Number in Zoom Reports
  • You will see a list of the participants in the Zoom Session
  • If a student participates in the Zoom session by phone, their phone number will be displayed
A list of the meeting participants from a Zoom report
  1. Checking the Show unique users will only show users and the total time they were logged on, and not if they had to log back in multiple times
  2. Checking on Export with meeting data will place the meeting information at the top of the report
  3. Clicking the Export button will allow you to download a file that can be read with Excel 
A list of the meeting participants in a Zoom session
  • Downloading the file creates an Excel-compatible file with the pertinent information. Students logged into their Wake Forest accounts will show their email addresses.
Zoom participant usage report exported to Excel

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