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Hosting Live Online Classes for Synchronous Class Lecture or Study Sessions

So you’ve decided to take the plunge into the world of online conferencing software! Congratulations! Whether you’ve invited a guest lecturer to present remotely in your classroom, decided to hold your office hours online, or found yourself needing to buy time on a Snow Day […]

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a teacher-centered interface to Google Drive (Docs, Sheets, and Slides) and allows you to easily manage student work in the cloud. Google Classroom is not a learning management system. However, Google Classroom is a nice alternative to Sakai’s Assignments tool when you […] is now available

Faculty, staff, and students now have access to for online training in a wide variety of technology and businsess topics through our WFU accounts. Need to learn how to manipulate images in photoshop or get an overview of how google apps for education works? […]

2016 New Faculty Orientation

The ITG met approximately 30 new faculty during two sessions in August. We provided an introduction and overview to the technology and tools available to them at Wake Forest University. The slide deck for the session is available to anyone with a WFU account. […]

WordPress for Beginners class

As WFU rolls out WordPress for our academic sites, we will offer “WordPress for Beginners” at various times in 2012. This class is geared towards faculty and staff who will be working on a department site as Editors. You can check the PDC for 
