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Sakai Workshops

The Learning Management System Team invites faculty to attend the following workshops on Sakai LMS and accompanying tools. Please visit the PDC website for dates, times and registration: Introduction to Sakai This hands-on workshop includes navigation of Sakai, creating a new […]

Blog, Wiki, or Discussion?

Most faculty have a fairly good idea of the differences between a Blog, Wiki and Discussion Forum, but which one will help you and your students collaborate and communicate effectively? The chart below can be used as a guide to point you towards one tool […]

Hosting Live Online Classes for Synchronous Class Lecture or Study Sessions

So you’ve decided to take the plunge into the world of online conferencing software! Congratulations! Whether you’ve invited a guest lecturer to present remotely in your classroom, decided to hold your office hours online, or found yourself needing to buy time on a Snow Day […]

Blogger – A part of the Google campus

Did you know is a Google tool which you and your students can access with your Wake Forest username and password? Blogger is a robust blogging platform that is incredibly easy to set up and has plenty of flexibility to provide private or public-facing […]

A Maker’s Approach to Lab Experiments

Purpose of Lab Change The purpose of making this change to the Thermoelectric lab was to add a little bit of programming, electronics design, and micorcomupting experience to a traditionally manual lab.  In adding this change, student engagement also improved. The Old Approach The […]

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a teacher-centered interface to Google Drive (Docs, Sheets, and Slides) and allows you to easily manage student work in the cloud. Google Classroom is not a learning management system. However, Google Classroom is a nice alternative to Sakai’s Assignments tool when you […]
