There have been some changes to Canvas this summer. IS has already provided information on the Announcements and Discussions redesign on their Canvas site.

New Assignment Interface Change

One change causing some confusion is a change in creating a new Assignment. The Assign To and Due Dates fields are not readily visible at the bottom of the assignment details.

You now have to click the “Manage Assign To” link at the bottom of the Assignment options to open a panel with the Assign to options and due dates.

screen cap of the New Assignment infterface highlighting the "Manage Access To" link

For a full list of Canvas changes, be sure to check out Canvas’ July 2024 Release Notes.

Top 3 Canvas Questions

With the start of the semester, we also want to ensure you have the answers to the most commonly asked Canvas questions by our faculty. See our previous post on the top Canvas questions we get from faculty.

Categories: Canvas, Tech Tip

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