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The Learning Management System Team invites faculty to attend the following workshops on Sakai LMS and accompanying tools. Please visit the PDC website for dates, times and registration:

Introduction to Sakai

This hands-on workshop includes navigation of Sakai, creating a new site, selecting tools within Sakai, how to get help, and how to provide a syllabus and course resources for your students to retrieve.

Lesson Builder

Sakai Lessons allows you to create structured units of learning containing multiple pages and subpages for arrangement and delivery of content organized by lesson. Additional tools within Lessons: polls, student-generated content with rubric grading and peer review, gradable comments, and embedded videos.

Google Classroom

In this workshop you will add the Google Classroom button to your Sakai Course Site. Google Classroom is a nice alternative to Sakai’s Assignments tool when you need a collaborative, cloud-based file management system for student work.

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