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Michael Chastain, from Wolfram, will be on campus to give a Mathematica technical talk on Tuesday, March 20. If you haven’t seen Mathematica lately, you will be surprised to see how suitable Mathematica is for projects and course examples in any STEM, business and economics, or liberal arts field.

My talk is given 100% in Mathematica, and a big part of what I want to discuss is the exciting new free-form input in Mathematica 8. Here’s a quick video preview:

“Mathematica in Education and Research”
11am-noon, including Q&A
Room 336, Manchester Hall – Calloway Center

Attendees with no prior experience report that this talk helps with getting started using Mathematica language and workflow.

With improvements like the new free-form input and expanded areas like finance, statistics, engineering, software development, and image processing, even the most advanced users report learning quite a bit from Mathematica technical talks. All attendees will receive an electronic copy of the examples, which can be adapted to individual projects.

Please let Michael  <> know if you or your students plan to attend, so I can make sure we have enough space.

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