Some Useful Gmail Tips  

Unsend that message! It has probably happened to you, sometime in the past, as soon as you clicked the send button you realized that you forgot to attach an attachment; or, maybe, put the wrong date in your message; or, something similar. No problem! You […]

New Approval Feature in Google Docs

Last year, Google rolled out a new feature for Approvals in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. This should be a use feature for myriad administrative uses as well as small group work in the classroom to ensure that a document has been vetted by an […]

Updated Appointment Slots in Google Calendar

When creating appointment slots in Google calendar, you have two options: standard/In person appointments and remote/Zoom calendar appointments. If you are interested in the In person appointments, please scroll down to the standard In person directions. Setting up Zoom for Calendar appointments Turning on the […]

Encouraging Student Engagement

There are many ways to check in with your students or meeting members to gauge their understanding of content, gather opinions, and ask for ideas.Options can be as simple as asking for a show of hands,  having students hold up color-coded index cards with yes […]
